Detecting clicks on a particular component/element that you have complete control over is fairly trivial in Angular, but what about if you want to know when a user clicks somewhere on the page on something that is *not* inside a particular component. It may sound like a weird edgecase but it’s actually really common when building things like custom popup modals or even just custom dropdown/select controls. With these you often want to detect if a user clicks away from the component so that you can hide the modal/popup or slide up the dropdown control.
I couldn’t find anything really talking about this particular issue but as it turns out, it’s pretty easy to get up and running!
Let’s assume I have a component called “DropDownComponent” that I want to detect if there are clicks *outside* of this control. Basically if there is a click anywhere else on the webpage. The first thing we have to do, is inject a reference to ourselves in the constructor.
constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef) {
When ElementRef is injected this way, Angular injects in the HTML native element that this component is drawn into, which is perfect for us because now we know in plain javascript/html, what our element is referenced as.
The next piece of the puzzle is actually very trivial. Inside our component we add a HostListener that listens for any document:click.
@HostListener('document:click', ['$'])
public onPageClick(targetElement) {
const clickedInside = this.elementRef.nativeElement.contains(targetElement);
if (!clickedInside) {
//Do something.
The code itself is pretty self explanatory. We detect any document clicks (Which is a click anywhere on the page), and in doing so, we detect exactly what element was clicked. Next we determine if the element that was clicked lives inside our component by using the injected ElementRef we put in the constructor, if it doesn’t, then bingo, we know that the user has clicked outside of the component and we can run whatever custom code we wish to (e.g. Close the modal, slide up the dropdown list etc).
This probably looks a little heavy handed (And it is really… ), but a good thing to note is that HostListeners are destroyed when the component they belong to is destroyed. So unless you attach this to every single component, you’ll generally only have 1 or 2 of these document click listeners running at any one time.

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